I KNOW your grandma had or has wallpaper in her house, right!? I bet you didn't think it would ever come back into style, did you? Well, surprise! We are seeing wallpaper all over Pinterest, in home design magazines, and in pretty houses that I tour around San Diego! We think there's definitely a "right way" to use wallpaper. Here are a few of the best tips we've found for how to use wallpaper to spruce up your space:
Choose the Right Color:
Color sets the mood of a room! To make your space feel bigger, choose cool colors, like blue, green, and violet. If the room has a ton of sunlight already, a bold, warm color such as yellow, red, or orange can look great. The more intense the color, the more vibrant and exciting the room will feel; the more soft the color, the more relaxing and tranquil the room will feel.
Let There Be Light:
In a north-facing room, dark hallway, or windowless space, look for wallpaper that will reflect light around the room, such as patterns with light colors and those with metallic or iridescent tones. Also consider patterns with smooth surfaces, which reflect maximum light.
Hide Flaws with Texture:
Patterns with texture can hide or camouflage wall imperfections or architectural eyesores. Patterns with actual tactile surfaces include grass and string cloth, burlap, foil, expanded vinyl, and even fabric. Other papers simulate the look of marble, wood, leather, fabric, even animal skins. Pick one you like, and get ready to transform your "problem area" into a statement wall!
Accent the Positive:
Vertical patterns, including florals where the motif's shape suggests a V or a U, will make a ceiling appear higher. Horizontal patterns make narrow rooms appear wider. Small-scale patterns create a feel of spaciousness, while large-scale designs make huge rooms more intimate. Consider how the room is used, and how often, when choosing wallpaper patterns. For a formal look, choose large-scale patterns with dramatic colors. For a fun, bright style, pick small motifs that are open and regularly spaced, such as polka dots (see below!)
Mix and Match Wisely:
A room without any pattern can feel bland, while a room with too many patterns can be overwhelming. When mixing stripes, florals, or plaids in a room or in nearby areas, pick patterns that repeat the same color or tones of that color.
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